Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tired Tuesday

    Okay, so todayyy, my brother (who is in Med School in Washington) just arrived in the Philippines! So its nice to be around family again.
Since he was jet lagged, I met one of my candy shop best friends in Power Plant, Sarsi Jonsson.
Sarsi Jonsson
    I went to Basement to use the tanning bed just because theres no sun and I am as white as a ghost from Switzerland. Then we ate at Sumo Sam and had some tuna salad, agadashi tofu, and california role =). I love Japanese food. Then we went to the European Gourmet shop to buy my Tita Marie a Raclet machine for Christmas. Then Sarsi and I went home, hung out with my brother and talked about medical stuff, like split personalities, comas, and how he has been dissecting cadavers ewwwwww. Then Sarsi and I got ready to go out to Bond! The old Tabu remember? On tuesday, Bond is where all the Brazilian models go to party, called "Models Night".
    Within 10 minutes of walking into Bond I was offered to join 2 agencies which is great! I don't really know to model, I mostly do it for fun, for photographer friends like Terence or to have a shoot with my girls. Okay, I am quite tipsy right now from drinking 4-5 Mojitos. Something went wrong though, I got super dizzy and started seeing spots was really ready to faint so Sarsi, being such a caring friend dragged me in a taxi and brought me home. I don't know what is going on with me, I drank all of those mojitos but I hardly got tipsy, the only thing I got was dizzy! What a waste. I haven't gotten drunk for a month! I dont' think its possible for me to get drunk again! Well probably. Anyways, im too tired to continue i feel like I'm going to shut down soon haha, I am passing out! Goodnight!

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Julia Quis

Live for the Moment, Not by the Past.